Thursday, May 3, 2012

Baseball practice

Soccer season is winding down.  We have 3 more games until we're done for the (outdoor) season.  Baseball is starting up.  B joined a coach pitch team and had his first practice on Wed.  J (& DH's) team starts next week.

A friend of mine told me about the hitting rope they used when their son switched to machine pitch.  It was a climbing rope on a swingset with a big knot in it.

We didn't have a climbing rope but DH improvised.

Drill through a baseball


Cut off the branches that are getting in the way

Hang the ball from the rope tethered to the tree


Hit the ball 


And again 


And again



Kristin said...

Looks like fun! Can C make something like that for me for tennis?

susan said...

Very cool. Especially the beer needed to perform the task! Is the rope anchored at the bottom? I can't tell...

Sarah said...

Susan - Yes, it is tied to the bottom of the tree. Without the anchor it was wrapping around the tree, multiple times.