Monday, February 11, 2008

A child of the 00's

This morning I heard a discussion between DH & A. Here's my paraphrasing.

A: "Daddy, why can't you fast forward and rewind on regular tv?"
DH: "Because you can't do that without tivo."
A: "Why don't all tvs have tivo?"
DH: "Because you have to have tivo." (doesn't he sound parental?)
A: "How does tivo let you fast forward and rewind?"
DH: "Well, tivo records the tv show while it is airing and then when you watch it later you can fast forward and rewind."
A: "I think all tv shows should be able to do it all the time. It's much better that way."

Obviously this child doesn't remember that she once lived in a house without a tivo/dvr. I should start telling her stories of way back in the early days of my childhood when we only had one small black and white television with rabbit ears. You had to get up and physically change the channels then wiggle the ears and turn the plastic disks behind the knobs to get rid of all the snow/static. That would probably freak her out!

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