Friday, November 23, 2007

A Fall Day

This was an afternoon a couple of weeks ago. Even though it was hot outside, the leaves started to turn. It made for a lovely photo.

I'm going for the pretty, pretty blog post. Here are my feet. Every blog post with beautiful afternoon playing in the yard pictures includes a shot of the feet. The grass was wonderful, slightly cool but the heat of the sun kept my feet from being too cold.

Baby B wasn't so cooperative on the feet photos. He just wanted to swing on the swing. He loves to lay on his tummy on the swing and push himself. He definitely likes to do it by himself.

This afternoon outside was needed. J had been sick over the weekend. His fever stopped on Sunday afternoon, but I still felt bad sending him to school on Monday morning. It is only preschool so I kept him home. Boy was he bored. Finally he talked Daddy into helping him build a teepee in the backyard. Here are the results. It was a great playhouse for a day or two, until the yard guy came to mow and it had to come down. Now they've built a hut in the bushes with beach mats. It doesn't have to come down when the yard guy comes and there is instant access to berries to make pretend food with.
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