Wednesday, June 16, 2010


B was wiped out going to VBS this week. He has fallen asleep every afternoon. When he naps, he doesn't go to bed until late, late, late. Last night he has trouble falling asleep because there were mosquitoes in his room. He complained and complained. I told him to kill the mosquitoes when they landed on him.

He finally fell asleep close to 10pm. I waited awhile after the room was quiet before sneaking in to turn off his lamp. I almost freaked out when I discovered an empty bed in his room. Luckily I saw the corner of his monkey pillow sticking out on the floor. This is how I found him:


I thought about moving him back into cribby but decided it would be too much effort and left him on the floor. I asked him this morning why he went to sleep under the crib. He said the mosquitoes couldn't get him there. He's back under the crib tonight. He is definitely a third child.

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