Monday, May 30, 2011

fresh oregano.

The oregano from last year had gone wild. The long freeze last winter didn't kill it. Once warm weather hit, it grew everywhere. I had to take a shovel & clippers to it and cut it back by 2/3. I needed to clear my stepping stones and make some room for some more herbs. I bundled up some of the cut oregano, hung it up to dry in the garage and forgot about it.

Friday night I needed oregano for the meal I was making but was out. Luckily I remembered the drying herbs in the garage. I had fresh dried oregano for free!


I've grown herbs in our garden for years but this was my first time to dry them. I wonder what took me so long. The rosemary, basil, parsley and thyme are growing quickly and soon I'll be able to replenish my spice cabinet with more free herbs. I can't wait!

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