Monday, March 31, 2008

Too much to do

I have been meaning to update my blog with lots of stuff but I never seem to find the time.

I should post pictures of the kids' quilts. I should post pictures of the DK art auction, although, it isn't that great. I could leave that one out. I've got great pictures of my Easter coffee cake. I need to update the food blog.

DH is out for a meeting that will run late. I had issues putting the kids to bed. J was fine. He's out like a light. A has told me I'm the meanest mom again. I agree that sending her to bed without being able to read is pretty mean. However, it was 8:45 and she came home from school and read instead of doing her homework. She didn't start homework until after dinner and didn't finish until 8:40. I think that she got her reading done for the day and it was time for bed. The 7 year old doesn't quite see it that way and my "mean" reputation is holding strong. (Luckily, she hasn't figured out that there are flashlights in the house yet.) B is still in his crib talking. I had to call DH at the meeting to figure out what was wrong with the modem (it wasn't the modem, it was the router, which explains why restarting the modem wasn't working.) and found out that he let him take a 4 hour nap, because "he thought he needed it." More like, DH got to sit around and watch the Cubs game get rained out in peace while B slept.

Anyway, all of that adds up to it has been a hard night and I'm tired. So instead of pulling pretty pictures off the camera and showing you how talented and gifted we are, I'm going to bed.

Have a good evening.

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