Friday, March 28, 2008

I'm thinking it is time to potty train

I walked into the playroom this morning to see B standing on the couch, holding a diaper in the air like it was the baby lion in The Lion King. He said to me proudly, "Poo-poo!"

I ran, grabbed the diaper and looked around. Luckily the couch looked safe, he had not sat down sans diaper yet. I then had to figure out how to pick him up without covering myself in poop. I ended up leaning over him, scooping him up in a Heimlich like hold and swinging him down to the ground. Luckily he wasn't that messy and he walked back to the bedroom to finish changing his diaper.

He is obviously unhappy with a soiled diaper. But do I have enough nerves to potty train??? I managed to get out of it with the first two. I should just send him Ms Liane's for a month or so of daycare and she can take care of it for me again.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Potty training SUCKS. I don't recommend it at all. If I could have paid someone to do it for me, I would have - a lot of money, too. With Sam, I'm going to wait until he can say, "Mother... excuse me, please, while I go to the bathroom. I'll let you know when I'm finished."