Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Derby Car

J's cub scout troop/pack/den (the girl scout in me wants to call it a troop so I always end up calling it by the wrong name) had their derby car race this weekend. DH normally gets very into the derby car. This time, he didn't have as much time to spend fiddling with axles and graphite and weight. He and J went to a derby car workshop at a local hobby shop to cut it. They bought metallic silver spray paint for a sleek look. Finally on Friday night, they added the weights and wheels. There wasn't much time for tinkering.



It was ready for the big race on Saturday. My camera was not (someone put it in night mode) so pictures didn't not turn out well. J's car is in the middle track in his first race and in the right track in the second.



His car ended up in the middle of the pack. Decent but not a winner. I think J was a bit disappointed that his car didn't do better. DH has spent time this week on websites and forums, starting to plan for next year. He can't leave J disappointed.

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