Friday, April 25, 2008

Bad Mom

My friend Susan posted in her blog yesterday about being a bad mom. I laughed as I read that she forgot it was early dismissal day and didn't pick up her son.

I jinxed myself.

Today DH went to play golf in the Dad's Club tournament today so I was on my own. I've been super busy with work lately and I really needed to get some stuff done. Luckily at 11:30 B said to me "B tired now." I took advantage of him, quickly fed him some lunch and put him down to nap. I had a nice quiet house without any distractions. I did turn on the tv for some background noise.

I was cruising along with work and finally figured out a database problem I was having when all of the sudden I realized that Ellen was on tv. I shouted an expletive. If Ellen was on, it meant that it was after 3:00. I usually leave the house at 2:50 to pick up the kids. I was WAY late today.

I basically grabbed B's shoes, picked him out the crib and threw him in the car. We went as fast as I could drive while being aware that cops have been all over Royal Lane lately. So I went 35 mph until I was past Morning Glory Lane and then I gunned it went a little faster. I had luck on my side and didn't stop at a single light.

J was the last one there in carpool line. He was sitting with his teacher, the other teacher & the teacher's son. Oh it was dreadful. As the door opened on the van, I heard the other teacher say, "See, your mom didn't forget you!"

She was being nice, but I know better. I'm definitely bad mom for the day.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Yippeeeee! I didn't have to keep the title for long at all!