Friday, August 1, 2014

The Great Room Swap II

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Friday night I started painting. I got A's new room painted sky blue. Soar by Sherwin Williams. Saturday, I painted her new bathroom the same purple she selected when we had them redone last year. I planned to start painting the boys' bathroom on Sunday. Instead I spent the day going through A's junk. Even though I told her every day that she had to start packing to move while I was at work, it became quite evident that she had done very little.

After we spent many long hours of going through her stuff, we were able to move her into the new bedroom and move the boys furniture into their new rooms. I was not expecting that by Sunday night, but happened. I might have been very cranky, but it was done.

The next day I was exhausted so I took Monday night off and went to my knitting group. Tuesday night I jumped right back into painting and finished the boys' bathroom Wednesday night.

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