Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Tomatoes for Christmas

My mom took a trip to Lancaster, PA with her quilting friends this fall to check out Amish quilting or whatever is it you do on a quilting trip. She also found my Christmas present, heirloom tomato seeds.


I've never grown tomato plants from seed before but decided to give it shot. I looked up some information on my favorite gardening blog and headed to amazon.  A few days later a greenhouse and some popup seed pods arrived on my neighbor's front porch. (We're having house number issues and our stuff keeps getting delivered to their house. I'm ready to go paint their numbers on the curb to put an end to it!) After two days, I realized I hadn't received my packages so I went looking for them. (The neighbors rarely go out their front door so they didn't realize they were there, but she did call me right after I picked them up to let me know.)


Greenhouse and seed pods in hand, I set out to grow some tomatoes last Friday. Watching the seed pods pop up was cool, I should have waiting and let the kids do that part.



Tomato seeds are tiny. I needed a quarter in the picture to give size perspective.


I planted the seed and then I peeked every 10 minutes or so. I'm not sure why, I knew they wouldn't grow in 10 minutes. I was a just little excited.


I didn't have to wait long. Five days later, I had this. See those tiny green plants growing!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

"checking every 10 minutes" - you are so cute!

You need a tomato tracker on your blog - like those pregnancy tracker timelines but for your tomatoes!