Monday, February 2, 2009


DH went to a casino night meeting so I'm flying solo tonight. Aside from the meltdown over studying for the PSIA spelling test, we did fine. Boys went down without a peep, a miracle since B took a short nap this afternoon.

Earlier this evening I got notified that someone had tagged a picture of me on Facebook. It was a soccer picture from when I was 6 or 7 seven years old. I couldn't remember half the people in the picture. One of them ended up going to school with DH. I couldn't remember who she was but apparently she contacted DH on Facebook and told him that she remembers me. There were a few that I recognized and I wanted to tag them too, but I was terrified of getting it wrong. Would you be insulted if someone tagged the wrong person and said it was you? I wasn't sure if I would be. I suppose it would all depend on the person they said I was. It had better not be the ugly kid!

Here's the funny question from B tonight. He was going to the bathroom in our bathroom before bed. He looked up the sports page sitting on the ledge and asked, "Why does Daddy always read the paper when he goes poop?" He got my ready response, "I don't know, ask your Dad."

1 comment:

Kristin said...

That is too funny about Chris!

I must be out of it - I'm not on facebook!