Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New stuff

J got new glasses today, camo glasses. He kind of freaked out when he first got them and refused to put them on, but he's happily wearing them now. J also got his new scarf today. It took me too many weeks to finish it. I thought it would never end, but it is finally done. He loves it.


My baby boy B is not such a baby anymore. Potty training has finally kicked in. It was Halloween that did the trick. He dressed as a football player and he wore the costume almost every day for a week. He told me "Football players don't wear diapers." and that was that. He has had a few accidents but he's good.

Today I tried to put him in a pullup to go to preschool. He would have nothing to do with it. So off he went to school, commando style. He's still not a big fan of underwear. I walked him into the classroom and he proudly told his teacher that he didn't do no diapers today. Before I had a chance to say anything she reached out to see his big boy underpants. Boy, she was surprised. He did well, no accidents, no problem. But I am going to buy him some Diego underwear for his birthday. Maybe then he will wear it.

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