Friday, September 12, 2014


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We were only slightly busy Labor Day weekend. Sunday we made the kids help clean the house. They made sure to let us know that we are awfully mean parents, except not in those words.

Since they worked hard Sunday, we went out Monday. The Arboretum had $5.00 admission, including the new children's garden. The weather was lovely when we got there. There were clouds, a slight breeze, there were flowers and insects galore to inspect and discover.

However, the clouds blew off and the slight wind died and it got hot. 100+ hot. The heat increased right about the time we arrived at the children's garden. It is nice, but it doesn't have much shade. I wanted to just go in, check it out, and leave. Unfortunately, B realized there was cool stuff to do. The boys took off; A & I found some shade and waited. They were all tired out by then end.

It was a nice afternoon. We should think of going more often. I really enjoyed all the plants and have lots of ideas for our flower beds.

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