Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I played the Sunday card

Sunday was a really long day. I had so much to do.

I got up early, showered and woke up A. We went to 7:30 mass because we only had a few hours to get ready for Girl Scout Thinking Day.

Thinking Day is a day to learn about Girl Scouting around the world. Troops set up tables and teach other girl scouts about girl scouting & culture in a country. Our troop was presenting Mexico.

I sat up until midnight on Saturday night making paper flower swaps & writing something to go on the poster for our table.

After mass, A & I went to buy tortillas to hand out at Thinking Day. The first place only had 60 flour tortillas. We came home and made another 40 or so paper flower swaps and put pins on them. Then we went to the dollar store for display board (they didn't have the kind we needed), 1 of 2 poster boards and 2 of 3 table cloths. Next, Walmart Neighborhood Market where we bought 110 flour tortillas (A, B & I had 10 of them for lunch) and a display board. We headed to JoAnn's to find the final poster board & table cloth & safety pins to finish making the swaps.

By the time we got to JoAnn's, my head was pounding. I was in a hurry and B was dawdling and I was on the verge of screaming and losing it. In line to checkout, I told A I was going to buy a diet coke. It was Sunday which aren't counted in Lent (I know, lame excuse, but I had to take it) and I had such a bad headache I was being mean. I don't think God meant for my sacrifice to make my children suffer. I thought about the reading in church about how you're not suppose to show your suffering when your fasting, etc and thought I should just buck up and deal with it. I also knew that I had no tylenol or ibuprofen at home. I couldn't take care of my horrible headache without caffeine. On top of that I had to go to a 2 hour very loud girl scout event. I totally justified a diet coke and enjoyed every drop of it.

A half an hour later my head was no longer pounding and I was able to function without screaming. A & I made a poster for Thinking Day in a record 25 minutes. I remembered all of my stuff and got to the event 5 minutes early. It worked out okay. Well, I remember everything but my camera and my cell phone was dead so I have no pictures of the event. Maybe next year!

So I played the Sunday card and it was so worth it. I reset my counter and I'm now 2 day post diet coke. I'll try again.

1 comment:

susan said...

Not to worry - I, too, played the Sunday card. Not that I was planning to, but Dan reminded me it was Sunday and, well, I couldn't pass up the opportunity. I know how you felt - had a killer caffeine headache yesterday, but thankfully it passed and I wasn't out doing anything nearly as stressful as getting ready for a big Girl Scout event.