Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I read a lot of blogs, my google reader is quite full. There are some other blogs that I purposely leave out of my reader. Every now and then I happen upon them and I'll find tons of new posts to read all at once. It's a happy post smorgasbord. Smitten Kitchen is one such blog. This afternoon I clicked a link and found Smitten Kitchen's spaetzle.

Spaetzle is one of S#2's favorite food. They have a ski condo in Kimberley, BC, Canada. The town doesn't have a whole lot but they do have a couple of German restaurants and they all serve spaetzle. S#2 doesn't even bother ordering schnitzel anymore, she just orders the spaetzle and enjoys every bit of it.

I knew when I saw this post I had to try it. The batter was easy to make but, as you read in Smitten's post, it's not that easy to make. The steam was hot, holding the colander was awkward and the batter was not easy to push through those little holes.





However the results were excellent. If it weren't so hard to make, I would definitely make it again. Maybe I'll get a spaetzle tool and I'll make spaetzle all the time

1 comment:

Bernie said...

What better way to repay you than with something I can benefit from. For delivery on Sat April 23rd - one spaetzle maker and a German cookbook - because every household with a name like Rehagen (said with a gluttural sound in the back of the throat) ought to have both.