Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Every year the 5th grade class takes a trip to The Pines Catholic Camp. I remember a year ago wondering how A would do going away from home for 4 days/3 nights. At that time she still had trouble sleeping over at her cousin's house. Another sign of growing up, A started attending sleepover parties and spending the night out at her friends' houses this school year. She was extremely excited to go today. She woke up at 5am and had to wait for everyone else to go up so she could leave.


I thought I would stick around to see her onto the bus, but once we got there, she posed for goodbye picture and took off with her friends. I stayed for a few minutes talking to another mother. She came back up, gave me a hug & kiss goodbye and that was it. She was off.

It is going to be weird with only the boys around. I will enjoy making two lunches instead of three for a few days.

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