Sunday, August 31, 2008


Do you ever have those days as a mother when you feel like a complete failure and then you make the mistake of reading those perfect mother blogs, the blogs about women who "unschool" their childen and take them camping in the woods and spend time sewing dresses and making cool crafty things and getting a book published and all their children love their siblings and their parents and no one every runs through the house screaming at their children that if they don't stop kicking their brother/throwing the ball/"singing" at the top of their lungs this instant they will go to their room for the rest of their lives?

I totally admire those women who can make their lives work and their children are happy. I would love to be like that. I on the other hand am obsessively reading parenting books waiting for the magic answer so I can stop yelling at my children and they will stop yelling back.

I have been frustrated by this lately. A lot.

Saturday morning, DH got up at 5am to drive down to College Station. He was meeting up with a bunch of college buddies to relive those memorable football Saturdays by drinking & eating brats in the parking lot all day long.

My day began when A, who woke up to DH & his friend getting ready after being promised she would get to sleep in, had a major meltdown. Huge. It was close to the meltdown she had after getting her 4 year old shots. Bad. I calmed her down eventually. However, shortly after the meltdown, I ended up with three children in my bed watching Disney while I occasionally shushed and begged them to lie still so I could get another 5 minutes of sleep. I thought we were in for one of those horrible days.

Instead, after a bribe of donuts and kolaches, they all three played together for several hours. Nicely. No fights, no kicking, no hitting, no bossiness. They just played together. They built a plane out of the waffle blocks and dressed up for a long cold flight, the pilot, the stewardess and the dog.


I guess I should cherish my peaceful morning because it probably won't happen again for a long while.

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