Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Crazy, Crazy Fall

We're headed into that time of year. I think Sept-Dec is crazy busy. Our calendar is already starting to fill up.

I think this year is going to be especially hectic. We now have 2 soccer players in the household. J's first practice is tomorrow and his first game is on Saturday. I was hoping that we'd have a good schedule and not too many overlapping games. Instead we got the opposite. There are 2 weekend where A&J don't have games at the same time. I guess we'll have to take turns going to each of their games and make sure we have parental attendence equity. I think DH is more concerned about who is taking B. I think we'll have to flip coins on that one. The worse part is that A has 3 or 4 games starting at 8am. It is hard enough getting her up for school on the weekdays, so why in the world would they schedule games at that time.

Soccer is just the start. We've got college football (which takes most Sat afternoons), Oktoberfest (school party), Autumnfest (another school thing), Walking with Dinosaurs show, Halloween, Thanksgiving, B's bday, Jamaica, Christmas, J's bday. And then all the various things in between.

I'm looking forward to January already.

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